

Let Keystone XL move forward

In his latest remarks on the Keystone XL pipeline President Obama repeated the dubious claim that the Canadian oil it will carry will be mostly shipped abroad with only "nominal" benefit for American consumers.



Keystone XL Pipeline: Facts are Facts

It seems as though the polarization of the United States is increasing. As issues continue to emerge, the spin is spun and citizens of this once united nation find themselves at odds with neighbors, friends, coworkers and even family. One recent issue involves the passage of the Keystone XL pipeline.



Shale Revolution: Opportunity To Jump-Start Economic Growth

Will the U.S. shale boom turn out to be a bust? The recent decline in oil prices has left some questioning whether it can be sustained.



See Who Voted For the Keystone Pipeline, and Who Didn't

U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes on S.2280 ("A bill to approve the Keystone XL Pipeline.") November 18, 2014, 05:55 PM. YEAs: 59, NAYs: 41. Alphabetical by Senator Name:



Fracking Bans Enrage Coloradans Sitting on Energy Riches

Mineral owners left out of the energy boom in Colorado and other states are mobilizing to fight local fracking bans they say are depriving them of billions of dollars in oil and natural-gas royalties.



Republican-controlled House passes legislation approving the Keystone XL oil pipeline

Congress inched closer Friday to a possible showdown with President Barack Obama over the Keystone XL oil pipeline as the Republican-controlled House approved the project. Supporters in the Democratic-run Senate predicted they will get the 60 votes needed to pass it next week



House approves Keystone XL pipeline, Senate up next

U.S. House approved legislation, 252-161, for the ninth time to authorize construction of the controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline



The SEA Jobs Act: Connecting Industry and STEM Training

Just as one wouldn't use a computer from the 1970s to access today's Internet, the United States shouldn't be relying on data from 40-year-old technology to give a clear picture of our energy resources.



Study says S.C. would benefit from offshore drilling

A new analysis of drilling for oil and gas off South Carolina's coast says such energy extraction would be a net win for the state, even if production is relatively light and environmental impacts are on the higher end.



Time is right for seismic testing

With the initial approval of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) for seismic testing off the Atlantic states, South Carolina is presented with a unique opportunity to evaluate our available resources in an environmentally responsible manner.