

U.S. shares with Iran, but not with Canada

Who's a closer ally of the United States: Canada or Iran? The Obama administration doesn't seem to believe the answer is Canada. Its nuclear deal would allow Iran to resume oil exports while [continuing] to refuse oil from Canada by stalling approval of the Keystone XL pipeline. That's both absurd and dangerous for national security.



The Growing Case for Ending the Crude Oil Export Ban

The advantages of lifting the ban on crude oil exports are supported by a large and growing body of research by government agencies, academic institutions and think tanks across the political spectrum.



Oil and Gas Energize U.S. Job Market

The American job market is the best it's been in six years... This U.S. energy boom is creating many new jobs here in America, and it's a leading contributor to American workers' vaulting out of the unemployment line and into the middle class.



Remove Obstacles to American Energy

The more demand we can supply with U.S. energy, the better ... Yet federal policy seems headed in the opposite direction. Production has dropped 10 percent for oil and 31 percent for natural gas on government-controlled lands since 2010 and is off-limits entirely in 87 percent of federal offshore acreage.



Opinion: Approving Energy Exports Would Unlock Huge Economic Growth

The Department of Energy recently approved an application from Alaska LNG to export natural gas. But there's a catch: these exports can only go to nations where the United States has a free-trade agreement in place.



Offshore testing not the danger to sea life many claim

Seismic testing off the Atlantic coast, a critical step in opening the waters off the Carolinas and Virginia to oil drilling, isn't as dangerous for marine life, such as this North Atlantic right whale, as some fear, according to a University of South Carolina professor.



The SEA Jobs Act: Connecting Industry and STEM Training

Just as one wouldn't use a computer from the 1970s to access today's Internet, the United States shouldn't be relying on data from 40-year-old technology to give a clear picture of our energy resources.



Time is right for seismic testing

With the initial approval of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) for seismic testing off the Atlantic states, South Carolina is presented with a unique opportunity to evaluate our available resources in an environmentally responsible manner.



Why are we still waiting for Keystone XL pipeline approval?

President Obama's State of the Union address was nearly 7,000 words long. He talked a lot, in general terms, about getting people back to work and devoted almost 500 words to the subject of energy, but not once did he mention the Keystone XL pipeline.



Keystone report from State Dept. puts common sense back in the pipeline

Environmentalists have drawn a line in the sand on the Keystone XL pipeline. It's the wrong line in the wrong sand, far away from any realistic assessment of the merits - as yet another government analysis has confirmed. It's past time for President Obama to set aside politics and resolve this bizarre distraction of an issue.