Guess Who's Most Effective At Combating Global Warming
August 23, 2018
When it comes to limiting CO2 emissions, the results are not always what you'd expect.
Debates about climate change often draw zealots on both sides. The common accusatory opener, "Do you believe in global warming?" betrays the binary, almost religious argument between those who think we're wrecking the planet and those who don't. Pragmatism is rare on either side.
The science of climate change is complex, and we won't attempt to assess man's contribution to global warming. For a thought-provoking view of the issue, read Alex Epstein's "The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels". In one section, Epstein comments on U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry's 2014 plea for Indonesia to cut carbon emissions to fight global warming. From 2006-16 Indonesia's CO2 emissions grew by 3.1% annually, the Asian average. It's no coincidence that in 2016 Indonesian life expectancy reached 69, up by 17 years over the previous half century...
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